Our Program


Our schedule offers campers the opportunity to choose their activities within a structured format. Although each camper has a certain amount of choice, the scheduling system is designed to encourage a well-rounded day filled with water activities, sports, the arts, and more. From the youngest campers to the oldest, there is a scheduling progression that allows campers to expand their horizons. Be sure to read about the different age groups at camp!

Campers are able to rank their activity preference on-line before camp begins. They then have the opportunity to modify their personalized schedules upon arrival at camp.


Throughout the session, campers can also participate in many inter-camp competitions in almost all of our sporting activities. These include tournaments held at Micah or other surrounding camps.

Daily Program

Each camper has a personalized schedule for each session. Wednesdays and Saturdays are special program days for trips, special events, and Shabbat.

A Sample Day at Camp Micah

Time Activity
8:00am Wake Up
8:25am Flag Raising
8:30am Breakfast
9:00am Bunk Clean up
9:45am-12:35pm 3 Activity Periods
12:45pm Lunch
1:30pm Rest Hour
2:45pm-5:35pm 3 Activity Periods
5:35pm Free Time Before Dinner
6:10pm Flag lowering
6:15pm Dinner
7:00pm Free Time for campers
7:15pm Evening Activity (start times vary by age group)

Throughout the week, there are inter-camp competitions, hikes, and special events.