Camp was bustling this morning as we kicked off the day with several intercamps across a wide variety of age groups. The 13U Micah Boys welcomed Camp Wigwam for a friendly game of baseball while the 10U Micah Girls welcomed Forest Acres for a rousing game of kickball. Our 10Ugirls were victorious with a 28 to 12 win for Micah. In addition to these intercamps, we also sent off an excited group of coed campers to Portland to represent Micah in a Spelling Bee competition against other local Maine Camps. Even though we didn’t bring home the trophy from the bee, we are still super P-R-O-U-D of our campers for representing us so well!
The big buzz overheard during activity periods around camp today is how excited campers are for our quickly approaching Visiting Day. Campers have been hard at work finishing up projects and practicing new skills to share with their loved ones.
We can’t believe tomorrow is our final first session Shabbat. We look forward to celebrating an amazing three and a half weeks with everyone during our first session Shabbat banquet, awards ceremony, and slideshow tomorrow night as well. Be sure to rest up because only three more sleeps until Visiting Day!