It’s been a whirlwind of nonstop action here at Micah since the moment campers hopped off the buses and began to settle into their home away from home. Witnessing the excitement of campers being reunited with old friends, as well as watching how welcoming everyone has been towards new campers being introduced, has been heartwarming.
In keeping with Micah’s first night tradition, we enjoyed pizza and warm chocolate chip cookies for our first meal in the Dining Hall, followed by introductions at Uncle Milt’s Outdoor Stage. Our Unit Leaders and Team Leaders introduced themselves by singing silly songs and chanting motivating cheers. It really set the tone for an evening filled with laughter and fun.
Campers got to bond a little more back in their bunks before drifting off to sleep after such a busy day. The head counselors, Shari and Josh (aka “Seidy”), made each made their way around to the bunks to say goodnight and fill jars with the spare change that our campers and staff brought with them to camp to support the World of Change organization.
We all woke up this morning ready for a day filled with activities and fun! Campers traveled around with their bunks to get the lay of the land, participate in various activities, and take care of some camp housekeeping (like health checks, schedule changes, and auditioning for this year’s play – Hercules!).
Evening activity tonight was Area Night. Campers were introduced to their “camp sisters” or “spazaweewees”/camp brothers and spent the night participating in ridiculous (and messy) games together. Everyone is tucked in for the night and looking forward to another great day tomorrow.
Goodnight Bridgton and Sebago!