The last two days have been very busy here at Micah. Yesterday was Trip Day and all of the campers had a blast. Units went to the beach, funtown, and our Summits took in a Portland Sea Dogs Baseball game. As the campers came back we noticed that there was one extra bus and it just so happened to be Micah in Israel. We were all so excited to see them and to hear about the amazing time they had in Israel. You could see the joy in their eyes as they walked off the bus and were greeted by siblings and friends.
Today, we hosted two intercamps. One was a U15 Hockey and one was a U 11 Boys basketball. Though both were a little touch and go with the weather, we were able to start and finish both. I am happy to report our Basketball team won by 3. Tonight is a Unit night and the activities range from Necklace making to Extreme Ultimate Dodgeball.
Tomorrow we are hosting our annual swim meet where we expect up to 7 other camps.