Shabbat Shalom, Camp Micah!
It’s been an eventful week here in the holy land. We started off in the southernmost city, Eilat, where we went snorkeling and visited an aquarium. Then we went indoor rock climbing and went up north for army day. During army day, we trained like IDF soldiers, in uniform, instructed by a commander, and performed physical tasks. The next day, we went to a youth village to volunteer, helping local farmers clear rocks from their soil. With the help of Brian B. and a pickaxe, Jeremy C., Matthew C., Adam J., and Justin S. worked for an unnecessary 45 minutes to lift a 350 pound rock out of the soil. That night for dinner, we went to the home of a Druze family and were introduced to the culture and food of the Druze people. On Thursday, we helped peel cabbages for families in need. We then headed off to Caesarea, where we sang “I Want It That Way” in front of a large group and then Lindsay L., acting as King Herod, declared Reed E. the heir to the throne. We then journeyed to Tel Aviv, shopped in the markets, and witnessed Reed E. get pooped on by a bird. By the time you are reading this, we have celebrated yet another Shabbat in Israel.
Jeremy, Jordan, Lindsay, Matthew, and the rest of Micah in Israel 2019