Dear Camp Micah Community,

We hope that all campers are settling in well to the new school year.  This fall has been a busy one at the Camp Micah office.  This week, where space was available, we enrolled new campers for 2015. The camp is essentially full for next summer with only about 20 bed spaces left for the entire summer.  We have a waiting list in many grades and will be building an additional Girls’ Area bunk in between G1 and G2 in order to get everyone back into the Girls’ Area this coming summer.

We write to you today to thank you once again for being part of the Micah community and to let you know about some other exciting news.  We have reconfigured some of our year-round staff positions which have gone into effect this fall.  After six years leading the Girls’ Area, Kate Monge is passing the torch to our third Girls’ Head Counselor in 2015. Kate will stay very involved in the running of the Girls’ Area as she transitions to Assistant Director in charge of programming and marketing.  Steve Monge, our Program Director for the past several years, will continue on as our part-time year-round Assistant Director in charge of staff recruitment, scheduling, and, of course, Color War. Steve will also reprise his role as Tennis Director during the summer and will have more time during the off-season to grow his private tennis instruction. There are no changes with our other year-round staff, Assistant Directors Mike Churwin and Jodi Sokoloff.

It is our pleasure to inform our current families, staff, and alumni that Shari Idelson will become Camp Micah’s third Girls’ Head Counselor for the summer of 2015.  Shari has twelve years of extensive experience at Micah as a camper, counselor, and administrator.  She has proven herself to be invaluable to our administration and has been the unit leader for close to half of our current female campers over the past years.  Shari will be completing her senior year at Boston University this coming May and will be graduating with a degree in Mathematics Education.  After passing the state exam, she’ll be licensed to teach in Massachusetts and will be looking for a teaching job for next fall.  It is Shari’s goal, and ours as well, to have her at Micah for many years to come as being a teacher will allow her to spend her summers with us in Maine.   Shari will also have the benefit of having both Jodi and Kate closely involved with the Girls’ Area to ensure a smooth transition.

We are so fortunate to have Shari joining our Upper Administration.  She is an intelligent, thoughtful, motivated young woman with a heart of gold.  She is one of the most respected staff members at Micah and the only thing that trumps her love for children is the children’s love for her.  She lives and breathes the Micah philosophy and we are thrilled to have her taking on this important new responsibility.

With Sam Gragg returning for his third summer as Boys’ Head Counselor, this will be the first time Micah has two former campers as our Head Counselors.  As we enter our 15th summer, Micah could not be more secure in its spirit, personnel, and community.  We so look forward to continuing our strong tradition next summer.


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